Located on the 3rd floor at AEON MALL Ha Dong, with total area of more than 321 meters square, accommodating up to 220 people, AEON HALL is where you could organize events, exhibition, conference, media briefing, etc

AEON HALL General Information

AEON HALL is located on the 3rd floor, can be separated into 2 rooms: Hall A (190m2) and Hall B (130m2), depend on using purpose.

Furniture and Equipment

No. Equipment
1 Tables
2 Chairs
3 Projector
4 Screen
5 Micro
6 Platform
7 Sound system
8 Light system

Regulations of using AEON HALL

  • AEON HALL is only used when there is a confirmation and handed over from AEON MALL.
  • Keep AEON HALL clean and Do Not Smoke.
  • Should be responsible for hygiene, personal assets & common property in AEON HALL.
  • Do not move any furniture or equipment out of AEON HALL without permission from AEON MALL Ha Dong.
  • After using AEON HALL, have to turn off all equipment (lights, air-conditioner…) and do hand-over procedure to AEON MALL Ha Dong.
  • Any company or individuals using AEON HALL who deliberately (or inadvertently) damage property or equipment in Hall, depending on the extent of damage, have to compensate for all repair expenses or new replacement for the damage caused under AEON MALL’s rules, within 3 days of the occurrence of the incident. Damage charges will be deducted in the end of the month (for Tenant) or will be deducted from the deposit of the event. (For external).